Check with your doctor or nutritionist before taking lecithin supplements. WARNING: Over time, large amounts of choline, a chemical in lecithin, could lead to liver problems or other complications. Take 500 milligrams to 1,000 milligrams daily, or follow the instructions on the label. Even though most people get plenty of lecithin in their normal diet, supplements are available in tablet or liquid form at health food shops and drugstores.

Lecithin is found in a number of foods, including soybeans, oatmeal, eggs, milk, peanuts, cabbage, and chocolate. Some studies suggest that lecithin - a natural substance used as a thickener in ice cream, mayonnaise, and other foods - may help prevent gallstones by keeping cholesterol from solidifying in the gallbladder. Here are some high-fiber foods to choose: Broccoli. Researchers have found that the incidence of gallstones is relatively low among people who live in areas where olive oil consumption is high. Also, focus on adding fiber to your meals since a low-fiber diet is often associated with gallstones or gallbladder problems. An ingredient in olive oil evidently helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and gallbladder. Recent studies have shown that moderate consumption of olive oil (about 2 tablespoons a day) may actually lower your chances of developing gallstones. Researchers have found that drinking coffee reduces the risk of gallstones. High-fat dairy products, such as butter, cheese, ice cream, cream, whole milk, and sour cream. High-fat meats, such as bacon, bologna, sausage, ground beef, and ribs. And if you have gallbladder problems, eating full-fat. Artificial sweeteners High fat and fried products High-fructose corn syrup Processed snacks Refined carbohydrates. Fat is difficult for your body to digest.

Fried foods, like french fries and potato chips. Most dairy products, from cheese to ice cream, are high in fat. However, don't cut out fats abruptly or eliminate them altogether, as too little fat can also result in gallstone formation. One may also ask, what foods should you avoid if you have no gallbladder Foods to Avoid.

A high-fiber, low-fat diet helps keep bile cholesterol in liquid form. Seek out good sources of fiber - raw fruits and vegetables, cooked dried beans and peas, whole-grain cereals and bran, for example - and avoid eating too much fat. But in general, a sensible diet is the best way to prevent them. Avoid crash diets or a very low intake of calories (less than 800 calories daily). Being overweight or having diabetes puts you at a higher risk of getting gallstones.