Sometimes arrows are in the middle of the screen, indicating some location off in the distance. To move from area to area, you scroll by moving your mouse to the edge of the screen and click the corresponding silver arrow. You don’t manually walk your character (hereby referred to as t he Ragman) through areas, but rather, each screen has items that you can interact with by clicking on them. The user interface for this game is simple. I mention consequences as necessary, but if you want to know everything that happens in detail, you must play the game! What this guide will not do, is summarize story events. If this isn’t a concern, then just know that Tormentum has a fairly binary morality system, so one playthrough should give you an idea of what to do if you want to get the other achievements. Believe me, the morality is less obvious when playing the game unaided for the first time. Reading this guide, however, could lessen the impact of the story for you by removing that state of uncertainty. When playing the game naturally, some of the choices seem less clear. Key items can be missed, puzzles can still be confusing, and what about those moral choices? I should note that a major part of Tormentum’s experience is the kind of choices you make.

Tormentum already provides in-game hints for many of its puzzles, but that doesn’t completely eliminate the challenge.
If you’d like my full thoughts on the game, see my review, but here I will endeavor to provide guidance for it. Tormentum: Dark Sorrow is a powerful, haunting, and surreal world that manages to create a sense of unease in the player without a whole lot of posturing.