Clean text blooper series#

The Anime Arc pretty much cements this status. A combination of being completely drained of her ink and taking a direct ki blast from a Goku replica turned Meggy from an Inkling girl into a human girl.And Then John Was a Zombie: Nearly all of the main cast were turned into T-Pose Zombies on two separate occasions, though while both times were averted, it takes a Big Damn Heroes from a new character to work the second time it happened.Come the Revelations Arc, she's fully mastered these powers. Once an ordinary watermelon, bonding with the Fierce Deity mask not only granted Melony a human body, but also the powers of a god, which she will not be afraid to use in order to protect her friends and loved ones-even at the risk of losing control.Francis learned this the hard way after he killed off Desti, with her throwing the leader of the Anime Cartel into one of his Ink-Zuccer machines set to "Maximum Zucc" and leaves him to be painfully drained of his life-force on his own island amidst of his own creation on self-destruct. Saiko Bitchitaru is known for doing this on the fairly daily basis, especially if she's pissed.
Clean text blooper free#

Despite being turned into a human due to the events in the Anime Arc, however, she can still kick all kinds of evil in the face. Being an multi-talented athlete who trains hard for Splatfest, she pretty much has a sense to get out of any sticky situation that she and her friends get into.